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We are
B Corp Certified.

After a rigorous two year assessment process, Wander is proud to announce that we have achieved B Corp Certification!
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What does that mean you ask?

Well, as of now, Wander is part of a global community of more than 8000 companies in 96 countries that meet high standards of social and environmental impact, and we’re counted among a handful of businesses that are leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy.

What does the B stand for?

Put quite simply, the B in B Corp stands for ‘Benefit for all’, representing a global movement to use business as a force for good balancing people, planet, purpose and profit which has fast become a widely recognised mark. ​​Certified B Corporations (like Wander!) are assessed against 5 key areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers, with an in-depth look at how we operate in the pursuit of creating a business that’s better for the world.  We could not be prouder to join such an esteemed list of great companies.

How does Wander align?

We know that business as usual is over. Every day, millions of people in Australia are feeling called to action, standing together and embracing renewal. Our values are shifting, taking us into a new age of travel. Travellers across all demographics are after a more engaging, meaningful and positive experience that impacts their lives, ecological footprint, social purpose, relationships and mindfulness.

Travellers are more conscious than ever of their impact on their destination. The new generation of travellers believe in brands that are mission driven and reflect such mindsets, with wellness and personal progress at the forefront of their minds. They are connective, creative, and culturally acquisitive. Instead of acting as consumers who deplete the resources of the destinations they travel to and work in, they will aim to leave a positive impact, going from consumption to contribution.

With this in mind, we want to be held to account.  Not only to talk the talk, but show that Wander really means doing business for good, and that’s why it was important for us to become Certified with a globally recognised framework such as B Corp.

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bcorp stats

What’s Wander achieved and what does it mean for you?

At the highest level of governance, we have enshrined in our company constitution a commitment to create a business that’s good for the planet, our people, and for purpose.   That means for us, there is no going back on our word. 

Here are just some of the key stats that we’ve been able to achieve in the short time our company has been operating.

This is on top of what we are doing to reduce our energy and carbon footprint by using renewable energy where possible, critically analysing all of our supply chains into their own sustainability credentials, and our focus on customer stewardship and stakeholder engagement.

What’s our plan to improve?

Of course, as with any path of improvement, this is only the beginning of our journey and commitment to continuing to do even better.  Over the next months and years, we will start to create and implement our next milestones so that we continue to lead the way for ethical and sustainable businesses in Australia and around the world, especially in the travel industry.  We want this to only be the starting blocks.

Why a certification?

B Corp certification is awarded to businesses that hold themselves genuinely and transparently accountable, and demonstrate excellence in five key pillars – governance, workers’ rights, community, environment and customers. It allows those interested businesses to benchmark themselves against the very best ethical and sustainable peers from all around the world.

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How can you get involved?

B Corps come in every shape and size and there are plenty of opportunities to engage with, experience and purchase from a B Corp – check out the directory here.  Just look out for the signature brand mark on your supermarket shelves, service provider websites, online shopping platforms, and nearly any other area of your daily life, and you can make a difference with your dollars. 

While B Corps may be as diverse as eco-friendly cleaning products and a home loan, what they all have in common is that they are companies who are not just talking about having a positive impact, but that are making sure their impact is tangible, measurable and transparent, and have put their hand up to be held accountable to high standards of doing business.