Enlighten your clock //

You’ve got the rhythm in you.

Coline Weinzaepflen is a neuroscientist and illustrator who wants to remind us that our bodies can keep in time with the solar system. Its like a dance, a 24hr – 7 days a week dance marathon that effects our mood and performance.

Our internal biological rhythm is affected by our environment – specifically, our exposure to light. You’ve likely heard about avoiding blue light after dusk and already know your chronotype (think Early Bird vs Night Owl) – but are you still not taking sleep seriously and suffering from Social Jet-lag?

Follow the link below to check out this researched backed, peer reviewed …comic, that shed’s light on the subject and offers good habits for dancing in step with the universe (see pg 12). 

Here’s a sample of Enlighten your clock: How your body tells time

Coline Weinzaepflen

Coline Weinzaepflen is a neuroscientist and illustrator based in Strasbourg, France. For more information about her work, please visit https://linktr.ee/Colin.w 

Comic sample and linked article from Weinzaepflen, C. & Spitschan, M. (Ed.) (2021). Enlighten your clock: How your body tells time. (C. Weinzaepflen, Illus.). DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZQXVH

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